About Us
Why we started this journey ?
You’d think it would be so easy to live a location-flexible lifestyle now.
Actually, it can be a total pain in the ass.
Our Story
There’s now an entire movement of people considering exploring the world whilst they work. It’s no longer a niche, but it feels the supporting industries just haven’t caught up.
We’re constantly torn between either paying holiday prices for rooms, or being locked into long-term rental agreements to access market rates. There’s little to no consistency across borders for mid-term accommodation options, everything either reveals some nasty surprises on check-in or turns out to be a one-off gem that doesn’t exist in any other country. We arrive in a place with no network or local knowledge to lean on, and often start to really find our feet just as we’re leaving. And, to top it all off, it can be really f*cking lonely.